A lot of poetry has been written about the eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul and so much more.
The eyes, unfortunately, are also one of the first areas of the face to begin to show signs of aging. Those signs of aging can take several forms, from lines and wrinkles to areas of discoloration. Whether you believe your eyes offer a peek into your soul or not, there are a number of ways you can fight the signs of aging in that area.
Crow’s Feet? Botox
Botox has been FDA-approved to treat the lines that form between the eyebrows for more than a decade now. Just over a year ago, in 2013, the FDA approved treating crow’s feet that develop in the corners of the eyes with Botox.
People get crow’s feet for a number of reasons: repeated squinting over the years, frequent laughter, and unfortunately, frequent tears. Like the frown lines between the eyebrows, crow’s feet are dynamic wrinkles, meaning they develop due to repeated muscle movements. Botox relaxes the muscle that causes the fine lines or wrinkles, with results typically lasting between three to six months.
Hollows Under the Eyes? Injectable Fillers
As you age, the area under your eyes might lose fat, creating a hollow look or creating under-eye shadows. There are several ways to deal with under-eye hollows, including fat grafting or eyelid surgery. A less invasive, but also less permanent option is to have a filler injected into the area. A filler made of hyaluronic acid, such as Restylane, is used. Heavier fillers are generally not recommended for the delicate under-eye area.
Since the eye area is more fragile than other parts of the face, choosing a trained and highly experienced injector is a must.
Under-Eye Circles? Laser Skin Resurfacing
While some types of under-eye circles are really just shadows created by hollow tear troughs, other types of under-eye circles are created by excess pigment in the area. Laser skin resurfacing is just one way to reduce pigmentation in the under-eye area and to make those circles less visible. A laser treatment exfoliates the top layer of skin, so that new, refreshed skin can emerge. It also stimulates collagen production just below the surface of the skin, which can help thicken the area and reduce the appearance of shadowy under-eye circles.
At-Home Options
Getting an in-office treatment is just the first step to combat signs of aging in your eye area. What you do and how you care for your skin at home also plays a part. For example, wearing sunscreen and sunglasses with UV protection will help shield the eye area from the sun’s rays, which contribute to wrinkles and discoloration of the skin.
Our staff at Quintessa Medical Spa can help you choose the right skincare products to use at home to reduce or fight the signs of aging around your eyes. These products might contain vitamin C to improve your skin’s health or retinoids to fight wrinkles. In some cases, products that cover up your concerns might be helpful, too.