I am 54, female, and I have extremely fine white hairs on my neck.
Question: I am 54, female, and I have extremely fine white hairs on my neck. Some get really long, over 2 inches. I would like
Question: I am 54, female, and I have extremely fine white hairs on my neck. Some get really long, over 2 inches. I would like
Question: Is there any hair type that lasers work best with darker skin and coarse hair? I am African-American and want to have the thick
Question: How often do most women need to get a laser hair removal treatment on their legs, or once the hair is gone are there
Question: I would like to undergo laser hair removal on my arms. I have pretty thick coarse hair there. How many treatments would I need
Question: I get skin irritation whenever I shave under my armpits. I am 24 years old and would like this hair removed permanently. If I
Question: I have been tanning in preparation for a trip to Aruba. I would like to have laser hair removal at my bikini line. Does
Question: How often do most women need to get a laser hair removal treatment on their legs or once the hair is gone are there
Question: I remember reading a while ago that laser hair removal worked the best on light skin. Is this still true or have new lasers
Question: Is it true that laser hair removal can cause more hair growth than what I started with? Answer: Absolutely not. Laser hair removal cannot
Question: I have scheduled my first appointment for laser hair removal. When is the last time I can shave before my appointment? Answer: We typically
Question: I have always had problems with hair on my nipples. They are very embarrassing, but my doctor told me they were nothing to worry
Question: I am 35 and after all of these years I am finally ready to do something about my ridiculous hair growth. I am thinking