When it comes to plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments, non-surgical options have become ever more popular. You now see plastic surgeons and medical spas offering treatments, such as non-surgical facelifts. While these procedures might have “facelift” in the name, they are very different from an actual facelift procedure. While the end goal of both a surgical and a non-surgical facelift are to create a more youthful and refreshed appearance, the way the procedures go about doing so and the duration of the results are vastly different.
What Is a Non-Surgical Facelift?
A non-surgical facelift can be used to describe a treatment involving a series of injections and fillers, such as Botox, Juvederm and Voluma. In other cases, a non-surgical facelift might involve Ultherapy treatments.
Ultherapy helps lift and firm the skin using ultrasound technology. The ultrasonic waves penetrate to the dermal layer of skin, encouraging collagen production. Collagen, which acts as the support structure for the skin, helps tighten and tone the skin. The treatment is non-invasive and has no downtime.
The length of the treatment depends on the size of the area being treated. A treatment that involves just one part of the face can take as little as 30 minutes. Usually, results appear after about three months.
When a non-surgical facelift involves fillers, the process is a bit different. Fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm or Voluma can make the face appear lifted by increasing facial volume and reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
Another component of the non-surgical facelift may include Botox. Botox treatments are used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles between the eyebrows and in the corners of the eyes; Botox can also reduce the appearance of horizontal creases or bands on the neck.
Benefits of a Non-Surgical Facelift
Whether you decide to have Ultherapy, Botox or fillers, a non-surgical facelift offers several benefits. One of the big advantages is that there is almost no downtime. In most cases, people can return to regular activities within a day. There might be minimal swelling and/or bruising that lasts for up to a week but can be concealed with makeup.
Another advantage of using fillers and injections to lift and smooth the face is that the results are immediately visible. Botox injections do take a few days or up to a week to appear, but the results from Juvederm or Restylane appear right away.
Is It Worth It?
The big question for many patients when it comes to deciding between a surgical or non-surgical facelift is: is it worth it? Facelift surgery costs more up front, both in terms of money and time. However, the results last considerably longer than the results from a non-surgical procedure. In many cases, a non-surgical facelift lasts for about two years, if not less. The price is lower, but you’ll need to have the process repeated to maintain your results, which can increase the financial cost.