Question: I am a 24-year-old woman with very large eyebrows. I do not look forward to waxing and plucking for the next 80 years. I think laser hair removal would be a good investment. Will it redden my face and if so for how long. Do you give any local anesthesia?
Answer: We can certainly perform a laser hair removal in the eyebrow area and no, it typically does not redden the face so you typically do not need to worry about this. Essentially what we do is we trim the hairs that we want to remove. We will create a template of the brow hair that we want to keep and then we cover the brow hair that we would like to keep with the template to protect it and then treat the areas that we would like hair removal to occur. Overall it can be extremely successful but it does take multiple treatments, sometimes even up to 8 to 12 treatments for this particular area of the face. We typically do not use a local anesthesia but topical anesthetics can be applied if necessary.