Nobody’s perfect, even when it comes to skincare and anti-aging.
A few everyday habits might seem like they aren’t that big of a deal but are bad news for the overall health of your skin.
Changing your habits can be tricky, especially if you’re not aware you’re doing them.
Over Exfoliating
Exfoliation encourages cell turnover, sloughing off dry, dead skin cells and allowing fresh cells to emerge. It’s easy to go overboard when exfoliating, which can lead to dryness and even breakouts. While some benefit from daily use of scrubs or a Clarisonic brush, others need to limit their use to just a few times a week.
If you are concerned that you are exfoliating excessively, there are a few signs that it might be time to take a break. Your skin might feel tight and there might be some flakiness. In extreme cases, you might notice some additional redness or pimples. Keep in mind that some scrubs might be too harsh for your skin and avoid a scrub until your skin calms down. If you’re unsure about what products will work best on your skin, we recommend stopping in or consulting with an aesthetician to find out which products are best for you.
Popping or Picking at Pimples
When you get a break out, it can take a lot of willpower not to pop or pick at it. While popping a pimple may bring a temporary feeling of relief, it can make things worse by increasing your risk for infection and irritating the area around the pimple. It can take longer for a popped zit to heal and makes it more likely that a scar will develop.
Although it can be hard to train yourself to avoid picking your pimples, it is possible. Take steps to keep the acne from developing in the first place. Our aestheticians can recommend products to fight or control acne while maintaining the health of your skin. Also, consider a facial, where a trained aesthetician performs extractions. Using specialized tools, the aesthetician will unclog out your pores, removing any bacteria that is causing your breakouts.
Forgetting to Wash Your Face Before Bed
At the end of the day, you might feel too exhausted to remove your makeup or the dirt from the day from your face. While skipping the occasional face wash might not be too big of an issue, if you get in the habit of doing it on a regular basis, it can lead to breakouts and irritation. The buildup of makeup, plus dirt and oil from the day can clog your pores. The makeup and other dirt can also transfer to your pillowcase, prolonging the problem.
Buying the Entire Beauty Aisle
There are many choices when it comes to beauty and anti-aging products. It almost seems as if a new product comes out every week. It’s easy to buy and use too many products, which, depending on your skin type, using certain types of products can actually make your issues worse. Our all-star staff can recommend a skincare regimen for you that targets your specific skin issue — whether it’s hyperpigmentation, dry skin, fine lines, or breakouts.
Using Dirty Brushes
The brushes you use to put on makeup every day can collect mold and bacteria. A monthly cleaning is a must to keep those brushes from transferring the bacteria and mold back to your face. After cleaning your brushes, let them fully dry before putting them away, to eliminate bacteria from growing in a moist environment.
Along with cleaning your brushes, invest in new makeup on a regular basis. Like your brushes, makeup products can be a breeding ground for bacteria, which you can transfer to your skin when applying the products.